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DWYER 607D din rail mount differential pressure transmitter

Series 607D DIN Rail Mount Differential Pressure Transmitter senses the pressure of air and compatible gases and sends a standard 4 to 20 mA output signal. The 607D housing is specifically designed to mount on a 35 mm DIN rail in a panel. This mounting style allows for several units to be mounted closely together reducing required space. A wide range of models are available factory calibrated to 0.25% full scale accuracy in ranges from the very low 0.1 in w.c. to 25 in w.c. The span and zero controls are for field calibration. Units also include red/green LED status of proper transmitter operation. Versatile circuit design enables operation in 2-wire current loops.


Made in USA. brand DWYER, model 607D

International delivery to United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman and other Middle Eastern countries.
Our warehouses are located in UAE. Delivery to other countries (Europe, North and South America, Asia, Africa) is discussed individually.

Retail price from $425.4



Founded in 1931, DWYER manufactures equipment for measurement, conversion and control – pressure, temperature, level, flow.


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Description of DWYER 607D

Calibration Option available under Accessories. 


  • HVAC
  • Clean room control
  • Filter status


  • High accuracy at low pressure ranges provides exceptional measurement for insuring tight-control and minimizing costly out of specification conditions
  • DIN mountable allows use in control panels for easy access to electrical supply reducing costly cabling
  • Visual LED indicators provides quick status on transmitter operation saving troubleshooting time

Technical specifications of DWYER 607D

  • Service: Air and non-conductive, noncorrosive gases.
  • Wetted Materials: 302 SS, glass, nickel, silicone rubber and brass.
  • Accuracy: ±0.25% FS* at room temperature. *RSS includes nonlinearity, hysteresis and nonrepeatibility.
  • Stability: ±1% FS/yr.
  • Temperature Limits: Operating and compensated:
  • 0 to 170°F (-18 to 77°C); Storage: -65 to 185°F (-54 to 85°C).
  • Pressure Limits: 15 psi (100 kPa).
  • Thermal Effects: (Includes zero and span) ±0.01 FS/°F, 20 to 170°F (-7 to 77°C).
  • Power Requirements: 16 to 32 VDC.
  • Output Signal: 4 to 20 mA.
  • Zero Adjustment: Potentiometer for zero.
  • Response Time: Approximately 10 ms.
  • Max. Loop Resistance: DC: 0 to 800 Ohms.
  • Electrical Connections: Screw-type removeable terminal block.
  • Process Connections: Barbed fittings for 1/8″ (3.12 mm) ID rubber or vinyl tubing.
  • Mounting Orientation: Vertical, on a 1.378″ (35 mm) DIN rail.
  • Weight: 7.0 oz (198 g).
  • Agency Approval: CE.

How to buy DWYER 607D

Model Description Price
607D-01 Differential pressure transmitter, range 0-.10″ w.c.
607D-02 Differential pressure transmitter, range 0-.25″ w.c.
607D-03 Differential pressure transmitter, range 0-.5″ w.c.
607D-04 Differential pressure transmitter, range 0-1.0″ w.c.
607D-05 Differential pressure transmitter, range 0-2.5″ w.c.
607D-06 Differential pressure transmitter, range 0-5.0″ w.c.
607D-07 Differential pressure transmitter, range 0-10.0″ w.c.
607D-08 Differential pressure transmitter, range 0-25.0″ w.c.
607D-11 Differential pressure transmitter, range .05-0-.05″ w.c.
607D-12 Differential pressure transmitter, range .10-0-.10″ w.c.
607D-13 Differential pressure transmitter, range .25-0-.25″ w.c.
607D-14 Differential pressure transmitter, range .50-0-.50″ w.c.
607D-15 Differential pressure transmitter, range 1.0-0-1.0″ w.c.
Expand Table

Accessories for DWYER 607D

Model Description Price
NISTCAL-PT1 NIST traceable calibration certificate for pressure transmitters. NOTE: EQUAL CERTS WILL BE CHARGED PER UNITS PURCHASED.
Expand Table

User Guide and Instruction manual for DWYER 607D

You can request the necessary certificates, documentation, instructions and user guide for DWYER 607D using the special form.

You can buy DWYER 607D in UAE at a price starting from 425.4 $ in «Texair FZCO» by leaving a request on the website, by phone +441225535040 or by email . DWYER 607D price are subject to change depending on exchange rates. We deliver instruments by transport companies in United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and other Middle Eastern countries.